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제목 제12회 아시아비교교육학회 개최 안내
작성자 관리자 등록일 2021-09-15 15:01:57 view 359
첨부파일 cesa-2021-programme-schedule-edt-july-2656.docx  FileSize : 62.7 KB / Download : 0
제 12회 아시아비교교육학회(네팔)가 2021년 9월 25-26일 온라인으로 아래와 같은 주제로 개최됩니다. 

프로그램을 첨부하오니 관심있는 학회원분들은 살펴보시길 바랍니다. 

Ethics, philosophy and the meaning of learning across cultures
Historical perspectives on learning across Asia
Curriculum development and ‘skills’
Assessment + accreditation of learning across the formal-informal divide
Planning, governance and finance of learning systems (formal and informal)
Inequalities in access to learning
Learning, technology and ‘new media’
Learning to belong – identity formation, political socialisation and values
Learning for diverse societies
Learning for sustainable development – the challenge of SDG 4.7
Learning and the market – shadow education, privatisation, etc.
‘Lifelong learning’ and the workplace
Covid-19 and new challenges for education and learning – across Asia and beyond

관련 사이트: https://cesa.jp/