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제목 Guidelines for Preventing Ilegitmate Authorship
작성자 관리자 등록일 2019-10-04 16:15:10 view 265
첨부파일 연구논문의_부당한_저자_표시_예방을_위한_권고사항_영문_.pdf  FileSize : 204.2 KB / Download : 0
An academic paper is the most basic and important output of research activities. Thus, it is crucial to foster the best practices in research enterprises by ensuring that contributors who have made substantive intelectual contributions to papers receive credit as authors.
To that end, the National Research Foundation of Korea (hereafter, NRF) and the Korea University Council of Heads of University Research & Industry Coperation (hereafter, KUCRI) provide the attached guidelines on authorship that research institutes, universities and researchers should comply with.